January 14

Hypnosis for Chemotherapy Side Effects: 7 Reasons to try it’s Amazing Power.

Here are 7 reasons why to use Hypnosis for Chemotherapy side effects

Cancer is a difficult disease to battle, and chemotherapy can have debilitating side effects. For those who are fighting cancer, hypnosis can be an effective way to manage the symptoms of chemotherapy.

Hypnosis has been used for many years as a form of therapy for various conditions, and it has proven beneficial in helping cancer patients deal with their treatment-related side effects. In this blog post, we will explore how hypnosis can help cancer patients cope with the physical and emotional pain associated with chemotherapy treatments. We will also look at how hypnosis helps strengthen one's mental resilience during this trying time so one can stay focused on healing and recovery.

Hypnosis has been used to ease the pain of cancer patients for centuries. In 1829, M. le Docteur Chapelain was one of the first documented medical practitioners to use hypnosis (also known as mesmerism) on Madame Plantin who suffered from ulcerated cancer in her right breast and an excessive enlargement of its axillary lymph nodes. On April 1st, he utilized his hypnotic powers as anesthesia during mastectomy and node dissection procedures at a hospital in Paris - relieving her suffering with remarkable success!

Before the development of sophisticated anesthetic tactics, surgery was still being performed with incredible success. The patient remained tranquil and managed pain effectively throughout the procedure. Hypnosis has been studied extensively over the last two centuries and its effectiveness in managing cancer-related symptoms is well documented (e.g., providing relief from physical discomfort).

That is, hypnosis is typically used in conjunction with modern medical approaches, as it is the rare cancer patient who can achieve complete symptom and side effect control during major medical and surgical procedures with hypnosis alone.

Cancer Prevention Research proves that reducing your risk of cancer is achievable by avoiding tobacco, staying active with exercise, consuming a nutritious diet and scheduling regular cancer screenings.

This year, the American Cancer Society predicts that at least 173,200 deaths in America will be caused by tobacco consumption. In addition to this, an estimated one-third of all cancer fatalities (577,190) can be attributed to poor nutrition patterns and physical inactivity - as well as being overweight or obese.

With its potential to drive healthy habits, hypnosis has become a popular option. The evidence is outlined below for your consideration.

These are the 7 reasons hypnosis is so helpful to cancer/chemotherapy patients:

  1. Reducing Pain
  2. Lower Anxiety
  3. Enhanced Relaxation
  4. Self Control
  5. Relieve Nausea
  6. Slow Down Fatigue
  7. Help Depression

Improving quality of life.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool in helping cancer patients improve their quality of life. Studies have found hypnosis can reduce pain and anxiety associated with chemotherapy, as well as help manage side effects such as nausea, fatigue, and depression. It's also been used to help people stop smoking, eat healthier, and become more physically active - all important elements for maintaining good health. Hypnosis is believed to work by allowing a person to reach an altered state of consciousness where the mind is more open to suggestions and positive reinforcement. By using this technique during treatment sessions, cancer patients may be able to better cope with their diagnosis and navigate the difficult emotional journey that accompanies it.

Reducing pain, and anxiety.

Hypnosis has been shown to be an advantageous non-drug therapy for reducing pain experienced by those with chronic conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia - with studies showing that over 75% of patients receiving this treatment have seen a notable decline in their discomfort. This modern form of hypnotherapy is not the stage act it once was; practitioners now harness its power to provide individuals struggling with pain another way to relieve it.

Although hypnotherapy may not be as popularly renowned as psychotherapy and medication when it comes to managing anxiety, researchers have been investigating its effects on mental health conditions such as anxiety, PTSD, and depression for many years. Astonishingly, the results demonstrate that this form of treatment is just as effective – if not more so! – than traditional options.

In 2016, a study was conducted to analyze the neurological effects of guided hypnosis. Using brain scans techniques, researchers observed changes in the brains of participants that gave them:

  • focused attention
  • greater physical and emotional control
  • less self-consciousness

Hypnosis has been a reliable tool in helping renowned athletes like Tiger Woods to control their pain levels and even win championships with crippling injuries. After visiting a hypnotherapist, many individuals discover the power of self-hypnosis as they can use it as an invaluable asset for conquering pain or exhaustion.

Enhancing relaxation and self-control.

Hypnotherapy is a widely accepted technique of relaxation and stress relief. It can help restore equilibrium to the body by decreasing levels of tension-induced hormones. By having regular sessions, you can combat accumulative pressure and stress while developing the ability to take better care of yourself.

A hypnotic trance provides an opportunity to transport your mind away from the stress of everyday life and into a place of serenity. As you relax, the hypnotherapist may deliver therapeutic suggestions designed to help modify attitudes, and behaviors or even manage anxiety-related symptoms. Experience such profound healing with each hypnotic induction session!

This therapeutic relaxation method is not only safe and comfortable, but it can also be an incredibly freeing experience.

Hypnosis can be a potent technique in tackling difficult behaviors, allowing one to take back control of their life. It assists us by addressing the low self-esteem issues that are often at the heart of leading triggers for our behavior. Hypnosis also helps manage cravings triggered by negative habits through conscious and subconscious guidance which rewires how we respond to stimuli.

Helping to manage chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, fatigue, and vomiting.

Many people ask "Can hypnosis reduce nausea from chemotherapy?" below you will find that the answer is, Yes.

In a study cited by Media Journal of Nursing 28 dec 2020.

Hypnotherapy is an effective method of reducing the intensity of anticipatory nausea in head and neck cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Research conducted using a pre-post test of quasi-experiment with a control group design revealed that hypnotherapy had a significant effect on anticipatory nausea, with the mean score in the intervention group decreasing from 7.6±1.4 to 2.3 ±1.2 after hypnotherapy while the mean in the control group increased from 6.4±1.6 to 6.7±1.4 (p<0.001). The results of this study suggest that hypnotherapy can be used by oncology nurses as an intervention in treating anticipatory nausea in cancer patients.

In addition to helping reduce anticipatory nausea, hypnotherapy can also be beneficial in other ways for those undergoing cancer treatment. It can help to strengthen the immune system and reduce anxiety and depression levels by providing a sense of relaxation and well-being.

Hypnosis can be a useful tool for cancer patients to help reduce stress and discomfort during their treatment journey. If you are considering hypnosis as part of your healthcare regimen, it is important to consult with a qualified physician or mental health practitioner to determine whether hypnosis for cancer is the right choice for you.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about how hypnosis can be used to manage chemotherapy side effects in cancer patients. We hope this information has been helpful. Stay safe and be well!

Below are a few resources you may find valuable.


- American Cancer Society Tobacco Use & Cancer.

- American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.


cancer, hypnosis, hypnotherapy

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